oRPHIC Stvdio
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progettazione architettonica giardini, piscine e spazi esterni per settore residenziale privato e aree pubbliche, direzione lavori, fornitura piante, consulenza agronomica, consulenza artistica, restauro edifici e manufatti storici, lighting design, illuminotecnica e scenografia della luce, manutenzione giardini e piscine.
landscape architecture & garden design, spatial architectural planning for pools and outdoor areas for residential and urban projects, worksite management, plants supply, agronomic and artistic consulting, restoration of historical buildings and historical gardens, outdoor lighting design & engineering, garden and pool maintenance.

A garden for Michelangelo Antonioni's Villa La Cupola in Costa Paradiso, designed in 1971 by iconic architect Dante Bini. Orphic Studio curated the exhibition "Antonioni Beyond The Dome" at 2021 Venice Film Festival, along with De Rebus Sardois. The project has been presented on this prestigious occasion.

A garden for Michelangelo Antonioni's Villa La Cupola in Costa Paradiso, designed in 1971 by iconic architect Dante Bini. Orphic Studio curated the exhibition "Antonioni Beyond The Dome" at 2021 Venice Film Festival, along with De Rebus Sardois. The project has been presented on this prestigious occasion.

"Antonioni Beyond The Dome" exhibition sponsored and co-curated by Orphic Studio at Hotel Excelsior for the 2021 Venice Film Festival.

A garden for Michelangelo Antonioni's Villa La Cupola in Costa Paradiso, designed in 1971 by iconic architect Dante Bini. Orphic Studio curated the exhibition "Antonioni Beyond The Dome" at 2021 Venice Film Festival, along with De Rebus Sardois. The project has been presented on this prestigious occasion.

Giardino artistico pubblico presentato come proposta nel dicembre 2019. Progetto in evoluzione. Orphic Studio (©) tutti i diritti riservati.

Giardino artistico pubblico presentato come proposta nel dicembre 2019. Progetto in evoluzione. Orphic Studio (©) tutti i diritti riservati.