oRPHIC Stvdio
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progettazione architettonica giardini, piscine e spazi esterni per settore residenziale privato e aree pubbliche, direzione lavori, fornitura piante, consulenza agronomica, consulenza artistica, restauro edifici e manufatti storici, lighting design, illuminotecnica e scenografia della luce, manutenzione giardini e piscine.
landscape architecture & garden design, spatial architectural planning for pools and outdoor areas for residential and urban projects, worksite management, plants supply, agronomic and artistic consulting, restoration of historical buildings and historical gardens, outdoor lighting design & engineering, garden and pool maintenance.
"Antonioni Beyond The Dome" is an exhibition curated by Orphic Studio and De Rebus Sardois at the Venice Film Festival #Venezia78, held at legendary Hotel Excelsior in Venezia Lido. The show focused on Villa La Cupola, designed fifty years ago by visionary architect Dante Bini for Italian master of film Michelangelo Antonioni. The building, nestled among the rocks of Costa Paradiso (Sardinia) is considered one of the most iconic and influential architectures of the twentieth century.
"Antonioni Beyond The Dome" is an exhibition curated by Orphic Studio and De Rebus Sardois at the Venice Film Festival #Venezia78, held at legendary Hotel Excelsior in Venezia Lido. The show focused on Villa La Cupola, designed fifty years ago by visionary architect Dante Bini for Italian master of film Michelangelo Antonioni. The building, nestled among the rocks of Costa Paradiso (Sardinia) is considered one of the most iconic and influential architectures of the twentieth century.
"Antonioni Beyond The Dome" is an exhibition curated by Orphic Studio and De Rebus Sardois at the Venice Film Festival #Venezia78, held at legendary Hotel Excelsior in Venezia Lido. The show focused on Villa La Cupola, designed fifty years ago by visionary architect Dante Bini for Italian master of film Michelangelo Antonioni. The building, nestled among the rocks of Costa Paradiso (Sardinia) is considered one of the most iconic and influential architectures of the twentieth century.
"Antonioni Beyond The Dome" is an exhibition curated by Orphic Studio and De Rebus Sardois at the Venice Film Festival #Venezia78, held at legendary Hotel Excelsior in Venezia Lido. The show focused on Villa La Cupola, designed fifty years ago by visionary architect Dante Bini for Italian master of film Michelangelo Antonioni. The building, nestled among the rocks of Costa Paradiso (Sardinia) is considered one of the most iconic and influential architectures of the twentieth century.